Because there are so many people in this training program (more than 300), we have been split into 14 groups organized alphabetically. I'm in group 1, Abidi to Bickle-Box. We have a really awesome group including our friend Chris Bayiokos. At the start of training, Chris had a lot of trouble, though, for whatever reason, he would often skip posture clinic and then when he did show up, he did not prepare to deliver the pose. He was, in his own words, "miserable" and fought hard against the process. In time though, and with quite a few talks by coaches, group members and others, Chris came around. And then he REALLY came around and stood out as a very strong team member. He learned his dialogue thoroughly and delivered beautifully. I have been honored to practice with him on several occasions, and worked well together, we helped each other learn well and quickly.
So this week we had to choose one person from our group to deliver the spinal twist in front of the entire group. It was unanimous -- we chose Chris. Here's a picture of him just as we announced it to him:
And here he is with our group practicing this afternoon. We look like bowling pins don't we?
And finally, here is our group on the stage with Chris at the lead, delivering the spinal twist dialogue. I have say, I'm so happy for him and for us -- he did a GREAT job and we are all so proud of him and of our commitment to each other. It was a terrific moment.
Ok, we're off for the night, I'm heading to the bar to watch the results on the big screen with the group. No beer though -- that celebration will have to wait.
Love to all.
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