Monday, May 25, 2009

Itchy feet upon me

May 25, 2009 11:52

Just had the leftovers from last night’s dinner at the City Wok – my mouth is still burning! Practiced this morning in the tent – Diane taught yet another kickass class using 99.9% dialogue. The woman knows her stuff. Afterward, as usual, I shadowed her as students came up to get help on different postures. I absolutely love the way she uses dialogue to get them set up, correctly into and deeper into poses! I am learning so much.

Yesterday was a great day. I spent the morning in my little campsite using the computer to tape and then replay my delivery of the poses. I’m trying to get the dialogue down perfectly (or pretty close) and it is a method that works for me. Good thing, as I went over to the Palm Desert studio to give Kim a message from Diane and Kim offered to let me teach the 3pm class! I was a little hesitant, but decided to do it and I had a BLAST!! Was surprised at how much I enjoyed being up on the block at the front of the room – being just a little bit higher allows me to see better and I also don’t feel like I’m blocking their perspective in the balancing poses. That’s the first time I’ve been off the floor level and I like it. Kim (who went with me to training and is an awesome yogi) took the class and was really complimentary! I asked her to give me something to work on and she said she didn’t have anything. I’m guessing she’s being kind, but her positive feedback did feel good, especially because I’m certain she has a very different style of teaching.

Got to join Diane and more folks from Mass and NH for dinner and definitely enjoyed being a part of the conversation. I had very little to contribute, but just enjoyed listening.

Strange – was playing with Higbee in the grassy area by the pool, and I noticed her nipples had gotten bigger. One little squeeze and Uh Oh -- milk came out!!! The vet assured me she wasn’t pregnant (but a false pregnancy is possible), so if she pops out some little bastards somewhere on the road, I have no idea what I’m going to do!! I guess I’ll figure that out if I have to.

It’s Monday and I’m paid up here until Thursday. I think by then I’ll be ready to hit the road. As nice as it is here (ok, yeah it’s hot too), I’m getting itchy feet, and I’m ready to start moving eastward.

Talked to Lisa today as I usually spend memorial day weekend with her family up in the mountains, and she said that perhaps she’ll join me on a leg of this journey! Wouldn’t that be fun!!! Selina might come out at some point too – But a warning to all who are interested in getting on the yoga train – some hot yoga will be part of the agenda!!

Sending love to all.

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