Thursday, November 13, 2008

A few random thoughts...

Just 3 more classes to go before graduation.  I'm wrapped in a towel, and need to hustle to get to breakfast/meal, but I have some thoughts I'd like to share:

One of the things I've noticed about many people who are certified Bikram yoga instructors is that they have a certain type of quiet confidence.  They are not cocky, but they are self-assured, and today, just a few moments ago, I started to get that feeling.  Yes, it does feel good, but it's also like it's always been there and is now just coming up to the surface.  Interesting.  I'll give that more thought soon.

Juliana, I told Diane you send your regards, and she asked me to say hi back.

They told me a while ago to trust the process, and I have, especially in regards to the dialogue.  I've been simultaneously worried I've forgotten the whole thing and then madly studying and then not worried about it.  But yesterday while waiting in lecture, I just started to think about eagle pose, and was mildly surprised and pleased that I remembered most of the pose....and I haven't even given that much thought in over a month!  So maybe there's hope for me yet.  Or maybe that's where part of the quiet confidence comes from.

Here's an image of me in that afternoon posture clinic, studying and doing the dialogue while it's being recited by another student/teacher.   Thought you'd enjoy this one.  I need to flatten out the foot and sit down more.  That's good to see!!!  

OK, gotta get dressed and get some food!!!  Love to all.  

1 comment:

thedancingj said...

Aw yay, thanks for the shout-out! That is a super-awesome picture. Kind of says it all, doesn't it!? Only three more classes... wow... that's amazing. CONGRATULATIONS. You are doing SO well.

J :)