Monday, September 29, 2008


My Name is Lucille Allen.  I am 46 years old.  Today, the 15th day of training, for the first time since the first day, at the 23rd yoga class since the start, I did every single posture.  I did them fairly well and I finished strong.  I am so friggin proud of myself I have a mile wide smile on my face!

This is how I did it.  Before class started, I told myself that I made a promise to do the best I could do, and I needed to live up to that.   So during the standing series I had to ask myself if I was doing the best I could do, and when I said no to myself, I did it more and longer.  And then the ball started rolling, and I realized I could keep going, so I did the triangle (which I normally sit out) and I did stick (which I have come to love) and I even did a little bit of toe stand, and when I got to camel, I knew I could finish and finish strong.  

What a great feeling, especially compared to this morning's class.  

I also have to give credit to Jim, who taught this afternoon.  I love his style because he encourages everyone in the room and that's the kind of teaching I love.  He doesn't scold, he just wants us to do the best we can.  And I did.  Awesome!!!!!!  


thedancingj said...

Wahooooo!!!! *internet high five*

bubblestnk said...

I am so proud of you Goose! You are an inspiration and I love living vicariously through you. "I love you and miss you but know you are having a great time!" ;)

Cori Cudney said...

Awesommeeeee! Keep up the great work! Cori

Anonymous said...

Hello, Lucy,
My friend, Stephen, who trains with you at the Sacramento studio turned me on to your blog and I have really been enjoying reading about your adventures.

I started Bikram yoga over 5 years ago and your experiences in training bring back a flood of memories for me of when I was learning the poses. I well remember tears breaking out in frustration, aching joints in the middle of the night, and the euphoria when it all comes together (however briefly).

Best of luck to you in your journey - looking forward to reading more.